LITHUB: Ever since I first read Bartleby & Co. oh so many years ago, I’ve been hungry for more Enrique Vila-Matas, and as time has gone on, New Directions has begun to release translations of his work with much greater frequency. Until now though, English readers were only able to read his novels. With the release of Vampire in Love, we’re finally able to see Vila-Matas work on a smaller scale. Though they’re shorter in length, the tales in this collection are no less weird, wonderful, humorous, puzzling, and literature-obsessed than the novels that caused me to fall in love with his writing in the first place. Watch as a dinner companion at Marguerite Duras’ house remembers a pasts life in Atlantis in “Sea Swell,” as an overweight comedic actor in an attempt to find the Laurel to his Hardy approaches the wrong man in “In Search of the Electrifying Double Act,” as a writer responds to emails without reading them in “I’m Not Going To Read Any More Emails,” and you’ll know you’re watching a contemporary master at work (SIGUE LEYENDO)
Vampire in love (bibliography)
- Cynical, funny, and often puzzling. Kirkus Reviews. 9.07.2016.
- It’s a welcome delight. Mark Haber. The Rumpus. September 1st, 2016.
- Vampire in Love in Lithub. Taylor Malone. Lithub. September 1st, 2016.
- Ten Books for September. Jane Ciabattari. BBC CULTURE. September 1st, 2016.