How Vila-Matas Got to the Garret

rt(Here, Scott Esposito writes about “Sea Swell,” found in Issue 25 of Two Lines. To read that and so many more translations, purchase the issue here.)

It’s hard to believe that Enrique Vila-Matas first became known to me nearly 10 years ago. I was living in Mexico and I happened to read an interview with him in the Mexican journal Tempesdad, right as New Directions was releasing the first two books of his ever to be translated into English: Bartleby & Co and Montano’s Malady. That was back in 2007, some 30 years after Vila-Matas had first begun publishing his work.

Ever since that first interview I’ve been a big fan of Vila-Matas, so it’s very much an honor to be featuring his work in Two Lines Issue 25, both in print (“Sea Swell”) and online (“Vampire in Love“) […]

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