VAMPIRE IN LOVE [published September 6th, 2016 NEW DIRECTIONS]

vamp inSe recopilan en Nueva York en un solo volumen -que aparece el 6 de septiembre- los mejores cuentos de la trayectoria narrativa de Vila-Matas; la antología va de 1988 a 2013.

Vampire in Love & Fiction by Enrique Vila-Matas & translated from the Spanish by Margaret Jull Costa:   Gathered for the first time in English, and spanning the author’s entire career, Vampire in Love offers a selection of the Spanish master Enrique Vila Matas’s finest short stories. An effeminate, hunchbacked barber on the verge of death falls in love with a choirboy. A fledgling writer on barbiturates visits Marguerite Duras’s Paris apartment and watches his dinner companion slip into the abyss. An unsuspecting man receives a mysterious phone call from a lonely ophthalmologist, visits his abandoned villa, and is privy to a secret. The stories in Vampire in Love, selected and brilliantly translated by the renowned translator Margaret Jull Costa, are all told with Vila-Matas’s signature erudition and wit and his provocative questioning of the interrelation of art and life.

published September 6th, 2016 NEW DIRECTIONS.


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