UNA NOVELA OBLICUA (An Oblique Novel) es el título de la exposición comisariada por Enrique Vila-Matas que, con seis obras seleccionadas de entre la coleccion de Arte Contemporaneo de La Caixa, se inaugura en Londres (enero 2019) en la WHITCHAPEL GALLERY.

Obra de Richter (que formará parte de An Oblique Novel en la Witechapel)
Internationally acclaimed authors explore Spain’s leading collection of contemporary art in this series of four displays taking place over the course of a year. Each writer curates a display of artworks and contributes new writing based on their selection. Preeminent Spanish novelist Enrique Vila-Matas (b. 1948, Spain) brings an intuitive and personal approach to “la Caixa” Collection of Contemporary Art for the first display, opening in January 2019. Selecting figurative works by artists Gerhard Richter, Dominique González-Foerster, Carlos Pazos, Miquel Barceló, Andreas Gursky, and Dora García he also includes landscape by Spanish and European artists of his generation. The first institutional collection to focus on contemporary art in the post-Franco era, “la Caixa” was founded in Barcelona in 1985 to foster dialogue between Spanish and international art. It now includes more than 1,000 works by international artists across the mediums of painting, sculpture, photography, installation and film.